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Working Mom

New Client Intake

Finding the right support for you

Starting the process of treatment for a mental health condition is a big step and it is important that you engage the right help for the best outcomes

Before we book you in for your first appointment with a clinician, we go through a thorough process of ensuring this psychology practice is right for you and that you are ready to start treatment. We want you to make the most of your time and your Medicare rebated sessions by starting work with the right person straight away.

  • Mums Matter Psychology practice will be right for you if:

    • You are experiencing mild-moderate perinatal (during pregnancy or in the postnatal period) depression, anxiety or stress-related disorder as assessed by your GP. Support is also provided to you if you have experienced birth trauma or pregnancy related loss, e.g. stillbirth, miscarriage, or termination, or are experiencing infertility issues. 

    • If you are in the postnatal period, your child(ren) are under the age of 4​

    • You understand that psychological treatment is different than going to your GP for a medical condition. You have to be actively involved for psychological treatment to work. You can do this by:

      • speaking honestly about what’s going on in your life, and in your mind

      • giving your therapist feedback on how you’re doing

      • asking questions

      • attending all your appointments

      • completing any ‘homework’ you are asked to do.

  • We can provide a total of 20 bulk-billed sessions (no out of pocket expense, maximum of 10 in each calendar year) under Medicare if you have a mental health care plan from your GP. 

    You understand there are still some private fees:

    • Cancellation fee for late notice cancellation or non-attendance.

    • A gap fee of $75 per sessions applies after 20 bulk-billed sessions.

    • All after-hours sessions (after 5pm or weekends) attract a $75 gap fee per appointment

  • If you are interested in only face-to-face sessions at a physical location, please see our current locations here to ensure one of them suits your availability.

    If you do not wish to access in-person appointments, Telehealth sessions via Google Meet or Telephone may suit you better

  • We believe your psychological recovery will be better served by other services if:

    • You have a current or enduring psychotic illness or eating disorder

    • You have long-standing suicidal or homicidal ideation or suicide attempts without a current psychiatrist currently providing you care​

    • You have current involvement with child protection and Family and Community Services without case management support​

    • You have current excessive alcohol or other drug use without Drug & Alcohol service support

    In these circumstances, we are unable to provide the special knowledge for treatment and follow-up care that will be best for your recovery. 

    Please note we do not provide Cognitive Assessments or formal assessments for Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

    We do not provide one-off assessments for Court proceedings.

  • The approximate wait for seeing a clinician via Telehealth is 2-4 weeks from the time you are added to the waitlist. Wait times for in-person appointments are significantly longer due to the limited clinics. Please expect a wait time of 3-6 months for in-person appointments.

    The waiting time for treatment varies depending on a large number of factors and can often be shorter than the above mentioned timeframe. If you join the waitlist, you are able to remove yourself from this list at any time if you find somewhere suitable for you at an earlier time.

  • After completing this form you will be contacted via email with instructions for the next steps for starting treatment. This includes providing a copy of your Mental Health Care Plan from your GP, and completing our Client Registration process. 

We’ve created an e-book to debunk common myths and show how a perinatal psychologist can truly help.

Image by kevin liang
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