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Our Director, Frances BilbaoClinical Psychologist and 2020-2021 Allied Health Awards Psychologist of the Year, provides limited sessions (1-3 sessions) to explore a specific decision or gain some specific advice.

Perhaps you are on our wait list for ongoing therapy but you want some guidance now, or you just want to talk through a dilemma you're facing.

Between 1 and 3 problem-solving sessions with Frances may help with topics and questions such as:

  • Making a decision about a pregnancy

  • Making a decision about having another child especially if you have experienced perinatal mental health issues with previous children

  • Whether to seek psychiatric input or medication options

  • Information and support around infant sleep and settling from a mental health perspective - both yours and your baby's

  • Exploring your breastfeeding or feeding journey and/or a decision to change methods

  • Discussing family dynamics and relationship issues

  • Specific baby/toddler/child behavioural issues or your relationship with your child.

  • Debriefing about your birth experience

  • Planning for after you have your baby - emotional and practical support plan

The first session is for 75 minutes via Zoom video call.

The fee for this session is $350.

Sessions 2 and 3 if needed are also via Zoom video call and are $250 per session. 

There is no Medicare rebate for problem-solving sessions and payment is required at the time of booking.

We’ve created an e-book to debunk common myths and show how a perinatal psychologist can truly help.

Image by kevin liang
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