Our Director, Frances Bilbao, Clinical Psychologist and 2020-2021 Allied Health Awards Psychologist of the Year, provides limited sessions (1-3 sessions) to explore a specific decision or gain some specific advice.
Perhaps you are on our wait list for ongoing therapy but you want some guidance now, or you just want to talk through a dilemma you're facing.
Between 1 and 3 problem-solving sessions with Frances may help with topics and questions such as:
Making a decision about a pregnancy
Making a decision about having another child especially if you have experienced perinatal mental health issues with previous children
Whether to seek psychiatric input or medication options
Information and support around infant sleep and settling from a mental health perspective - both yours and your baby's
Exploring your breastfeeding or feeding journey and/or a decision to change methods
Discussing family dynamics and relationship issues
Specific baby/toddler/child behavioural issues or your relationship with your child.
Debriefing about your birth experience
Planning for after you have your baby - emotional and practical support plan
The first session is for 75 minutes via Zoom video call.
The fee for this session is $350.
Sessions 2 and 3 if needed are also via Zoom video call and are $250 per session.
There is no Medicare rebate for problem-solving sessions and payment is required at the time of booking.