Your client will receive an email and SMS with information about our services, booking an appointment, and obtaining a GP Mental Health Care Plan.
Mums Matter Psychology provides services to women and men throughout the perinatal period: from conception up until the child is 4 years old. We offer support to those experiencing, or at risk of developing, mild-moderate perinatal depression, anxiety or stress-related disorders. Support is also provided to expectant and new parents, and their partners, who have experienced birth trauma or pregnancy related loss, e.g. stillbirth, miscarriage, or termination.
To ensure that families receive the most appropriate and specialised care, we are unable to accept referrals of cases featuring:
Current or enduring psychotic illness;
Long-standing suicidal or homicidal ideation or suicide attempts without psychiatric support;
Current child protection issues involving Family and Community Services without case management support;
Current alcohol or other drug abuse without Drug & Alcohol service support
Please refer clients with these circumstances to other community services, public adult mental health services, or tertiary mental health services.
If your patient is suffering from a mental health condition, you can complete a Mental Health Care Plan along with a referral letter which you provide to the patient directly.
Your patient will then be able to access the Medicare rebate for up to 20 individual sessions in the calendar year and be bulk billed (no out of pocket expense) for up to 20 sessions in total (a gap fee applies after 20 sessions - please see our fees here).
If a mental health care plan is not indicated, patients can still choose to access the service for a fee. If they have private health insurance, they may be eligible for a rebate.
You may securely upload your referral here or fax it to us.
Your patient/client will require a Mental Health Care Plan from a General Practitioner or private Psychiatrist or Paediatrician to access the Medicare rebate and be bulk billed (no out of pocket expense) for up to 20 sessions in total (a gap fee applies after 20 sessions - please see our fees here). Otherwise they can still choose to access the service for a fee. If they have private health insurance, they may be eligible for rebate.
Please Note: Mums Matter Psychology is not a crisis service. If your patient is experiencing severe distress or is contemplating suicide, please advise them to go to their closest Hospital Emergency Department, call 000 or call Lifeline on 13 11 14.
If they would like to speak to someone for support and counselling over the phone, please have them call the Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia helpline on 1300 726 306.