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Practical tools and insights for new parents' mental health.


Useful links, contacts and materials for self support 

Explore our curated resources designed to support your mental health and well-being through every stage of motherhood.

    • Go to your hospital emergency department

    • Call 000 to obtain an ambulance to your home to take you to hospital

    • Call your local Area Mental Health Service triage line (a mental health professional can be sent to see you at home)

      • Wyndham area - 1300 657 259

      • Melton / Brimbank / Hume - 1300 874 243

      • Wyndham / Hobsons Bay / Maribyrnong - 1300 657 259

      • Nillumbik / Banyule - 1300 859 789

      • Yarra / Boorandara - 1300 558 862

      • Greater Geelong / Queenscliffe / Surf Coast / Colac-Otway - 1300 094 187

    Mental Health Support
    interim telephone counselling support
  • See a psychologist sooner

    help with infant sleep and settling

    ​If you require additional help with infant sleep and settling beyond what your Maternal & Child Health nurse or GP can offer you may consider contacting Tweddle, an early parenting centre with day and residential stays.

    miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death

    If you would like to join a support group for miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death, please contacts SANDS (Miscarriage, Stillborn and Newborn Death Support)

    doula support and education

    If you are a young mother or have recently arrived to Australia and are seeking additional support during your pregnancy visit Birth for HumanKind

  • Birthing Dads
    Birthing Dads

    Empower Yourself for Fatherhood

    Dads Group
    Dads Group

    Dads Group is a bunch of dads supporting dads like you to be great dads


    Receive free text messages, support, info & tips – especially for dads & dads-to-be

  • See a psychologist sooner
    Becoming Mum
    Becoming Mum

    Dr Koa Whittingham

    An acceptance and commitment approach to motherhood

    Mindful Parenting in a Messy World
    Mindful Parenting in a Messy World

    Michelle Gale

    Living with presence and parenting with purpose

    Becoming Us
    Becoming Us

    Elly Taylor

    8 Steps to Grow a Family that Thrives

    Raising a Secure Child
    Raising a Secure Child

    Kent Hoffman, Glen Cooper and Bert Powell

    Circle of Security Parenting

    And Baby Makes Three: The 6 Step Plan for Rekindling Romance
    And Baby Makes Three: The 6 Step Plan for Rekindling Romance

    John Gottman and Julie Gottman

    Preserving Marital Intimacy

    The Pregnancy & Postpartum Anxiety Workbook
    The Pregnancy & Postpartum Anxiety Workbook

    Pamela Wiegartz and Kevin Gyoerkoe

    Practical Skills Workbook

    Coping with Infertility, Miscarriage, and Neonatal Loss
    Coping with Infertility, Miscarriage, and Neonatal Loss

    Amy Wenzel

    Finding Perspective and Creating Meaning

    Dropping the Baby
    Dropping the Baby

    Karen Kleiman and Amy Wenzel

    And Other Scary Thoughts

    What am I thinking?
    What am I thinking?

    Karen Kleiman

    Having a baby after postpartum depression

    This Isn't What I Expected
    This Isn't What I Expected

    Karen Kleiman and Valerie Davis Raskin

    Overcoming postpartum depression

  • Everyone’s experience of pregnancy, birth and parenting is unique and brings different rewards and challenges. These mental health assessments can help you to see if what you’re experiencing or observing in a loved one could be reason to seek help.

    Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale

    J L Cox, J M. Holden, R Sagovsky (1987)

    This 10 item self report measure is designed to screen for symptoms of emotional distress during pregnancy and the postnatal period.

    The EPDS is not a diagnostic tool and must always be used in conjunction with clinical assessment, however it is a good place to start to understand your current situation.

    Parental Burnout

    Roskam, I, & Mikolajczak, M. (2018)

    This questionnaire concerns the feelings of exhaustion that can be experienced as a parent.

  • online treatment
    • Join Mum Mood Booster, a free 6 session online treatment program for postnatal depression from the Parent and Infant Research Institute

    • Visit This Way Up for two online courses specifically for pregnancy and the postnatal period plus other courses for depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder and more.

    parenting stress
    relationship Issues

    Visit The Gottman Institute for online programs and resources

  • Perinatal Stories Australia

    by Rebecca

    By providing a listening ear to the lived experiences of struggle and healing in the perinatal stage, this podcast helps to reduce stigma around maternal mental health, informs listeners about support services available, and inspires those on their own healing journey.

We’ve created an e-book to debunk common myths and show how a perinatal psychologist can truly help.

Image by kevin liang
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